Dr. Forrest Freeland, PT, DPT
Physical Therapist
I grew up in Tallahassee Florida and went to college at Thomas University to attain my Bachelors Degree in Biology where I also played basketball there! I went to Florida Southern College and received my Doctorate in Physical Therapy. I graduated PT school in 2022 and I’ve worked in multiple settings that include outpatient, sports specific, assisted living and skilled nursing! I take pride in working with people all of different ages and help them to gain function and live as pain free as possible!. Ive worked in skilled nursing facilities, ALF and outpatient services during and before PT school.
Get to know Dr. Forrest
Dr. Forrest's mantra
“Integrity, Excellence, Compassion, Accountability & Altruism”
Dr. Forrest's favorite quote
"Those who say they can and those who say they cant are both usually right."
What Dr. Forrest loves about the job
My main specialty is orthopedics
What Dr. Forrest loves about Hohman Rehab
I love the family atmosphere and the one on one communication that I have with patients to really understand the issue.
What Dr. Forrest is reading, listening to, or watching:
- Pulp Fiction
- Coach Carter
- Better Call Saul
- Breaking Bad
- The ACL Athlete Podcast
- The Sports Physical Therapy Podcast
- Dont Hurt Me -David Goggins
- Never Finished – David Goggins
- Greenlights – Matthew McConaughey
What Dr. Forrest loves to do:
I like to do resistance training, watch sports (mostly basketball), hike, and listen to music!