Judy Garcia, Patient Care Coordinator
Patient Care Coordinator
I was born and raised in New York. My nationality is Puerto Rican. I worked for a large Investment Firm in N.Y. for over 10 Years, prior to moving to Clermont. I also having experience working for Life Stream (behavioral health) prior to joining Hohman Rehab 5+ years ago. I’m a mother of five and grandmother of nine.
Get to know Judy
Judy's mantra
“Honesty, Compassion and Selflessness”.
Judy's favorite quote
“Honesty is the best policy.”
What Judy loves about the job
I get to welcome every patient who comes in the front door and work with them to ensure they get the care they deserve!
What Judy loves about Hohman Rehab
I love the family atmosphere. I get to work with many patients who come in with pain or injury and get to walk out of the office feeling better!
What Judy is reading, listening to, or watching:
- Ghosts (TV Shows)
- Amazing Race (TV Show)
What Judy loves to do:
When I’m not working I love to travel!