Dr. Katie Hohman DPT, CLT, CEO
Physical Therapist, Certified Lymphedema Therapist, Founder
I grew up in Tallahassee, FL until 4th grade when I moved to Long Island, NY. After graduating high school I came back to my roots and went to undergraduate school at FSU. I then attended physical therapy school at UCF and earned my doctorate through the University of St. Augustine. I opened Hohman Rehab and Sports Therapy in 2009 with a dream of being able to serve patients the way that I thought was best. My mission has always been to get patients better, faster and empower them with the tools they need so they are not reliant on me long-term. I want the members of our community to live their best, active life! I am a certified lymphedema therapist, treating patients with swelling disorders.
Get to know Dr. Katie
Dr. Katie's mantra
“Work hard, play hard”.
What Dr. Katie loves about Hohman Rehab
I love our team! Everyone here is patient-centered and works together to help our patients achieve their goals.
What Dr. Katie is reading, listening to, or watching:
- The Princess Bride (Movie)
- The Greatest Showman (Movie)
- Top Gun (Movie)
What Dr. Katie loves to do:
When I’m not working I love spending time with my husband and our sons. I love to travel and love being out on the water!