Dr. Ravina Patel, PT, DPT
Physical Therapist
I’m from Haines City, FL, I received my bachelors degree at University of FL, then went to University of St. Augustine to get my DPT. My background working with chronic pain and pain management, I also lived in Pensacola for 2 years. |
Get to know Dr. Ravina
Dr. Ravina's mantra
“Determination, taking risks, expanding knowledge and education”
Dr. Ravina's favorite quote
"In the joy of others lies our own" Pramukh Swami Maharaj
What Dr. Ravina loves about the job
I love to work with patients who have chronic low back pain, neck pain as well as just pain management.
What Dr. Ravina loves about Hohman Rehab
I like working at Hohman Rehab because of the one-to-one time with patients to improve their quality of life, the Hohman team is always eager to help each other and the positive environment. |
I like to explore different restaurants and spend time with my friends/family. |
What Dr. Ravina is reading, listening to, or watching:
Suits, The Great Gatsby (Movie and book), Crime junkies podcast |
What Dr. Ravina loves to do:
I like to explore different restaurants and spend time with my friends/family. |