Dr. Reese Taschenberger, PT, DPT
Physical Therapist
I was born and raise here in Florida, I went to the University of South Florida for undergrad and got my doctorate in Physical Therapy at Florida Southern College. I enjoy working with my patients and helping them get back on their feet without pain so they can enjoy their lives!
Get to know Dr. Reese
Dr. Reese's mantra
“Family, Compassion, knowledge”
Dr. Reese's favorite quote
Smooth seas don’t make a good captain
What Dr. Reese loves about the job
I get to work with patients who have neurological and orthopedic conditions.
What Dr. Reese loves about Hohman Rehab
I love the collaborative team, I did a clinical rotation here and knew I wanted to be here after in finished my program.
What Dr. Reese is reading, listening to, or watching:
The Lorax, Interstellar, Avatar the last airbender |
What Dr. Reese loves to do:
Floating down the river with my family and friends!